"Wishful thinking in action!"

Moni Kösters

I asked one of my coachees to answer the question: "If you were to get up in the morning and everything is exactly the way you want it to be in your life. What would that be like?"  She made a moodboard and named it: Wishful thinking in action! I found this so wonderfully accurate that I asked her if I could use it. In the process of change taking action very often is most difficult. Now she finds herself in her new home in Zaandijk that looks almost exactly as the Norwegian dreamhouse on her moodboard. Bought herself a car and introduced a little kitten called Nikita to her household. I wonder. What's next?

                               About Me

Hi, I AM Esther Linssen

Singer/Operasinger, Artist & Certified Life Coach.

I could tell you all about my diploma’s and strong suits and what kind of life coach I am. And I Will. It’s all on this website. You probably also want to know about my methods. I use several. Whatever suits you best. But to truly reach out to you I must tell you a whole different story. Going through my own Do-it- yourself recovery I met my greatest coach. A horse called Jonkfried tought me he was not going to do anything with me unless I landed in my essential self connecting with everything around me and therefore with him. It gave me such incredible joy but I also realised it had been my biggest fear.To experience this limitless space. I felt a sudden desire to start living from it. (The whole story is much nicer. read my Blog! The space to write here is limited;-)

How do you navigate in a limitless space? In what direction do you move? I became a tracker to create my way. Using my inner compass.. I found out that if you change from within the world around you changes with you. People react differently. You are able to make the right choices and you overcome blockages and fears, you will be able to face problems and challenges of life. Gaining confidence and trust. But most of all you will allow yourself to be happy in the process and live a creative life. I would love to help you make changes to do so. To become a tracker. I don’t work with horses but being an opera singer: Let’s do it singing!

And if you really don't want to sing, well there are other ways...

Is there anything I can help you with?

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"I strongly believe that all the answers lie within yourself. You are your own Magic Hat "

Esther Linssen

I believe that when we go through a period of change or through life entirely it's best to do it creatively. Using our imagination. When we encounter difficulties it's best to  make something out of it . Often being scared or confused or just in a frantic state of  panic we can put on our Magic Hats and do this writing, drawing, remodeling the house, redo the garden. Anything! To get us moving instead of being on the brakes. Then we can start to remodel our lives and our inner world in the same creative way. It 's a very personal proces in which we really get to know and love yourselves more. In the end we will be more confident and cheerful. Only to find out: It was never about the hat. It was about believing.


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Maite Roest


"For twenty years, Esther occasionally walks into my life, or I walk into hers. I was looking for a singing teacher and found a soul mate who showed me the right way at crucial moments. She doesn't tell you what to do. Esther peels off the layers so that you see who you really are. With Esther you immediately feel at home and safe. What is left when you let go of shame, expectations of yourself and those around you? With humor and power she challenges you to be really honest. Contact with Esther feels like a massage for your soul, it sometimes hurts for a while, but afterwards you feel that there is more space and you can move more freely."

Click here!

" At crucial moments Esther stays very close to herself. She reflects very well. Somehow she was able to ask me questions I couldn't answer straight away. Her questions silenced me. Esther is a very good listener but it is by feeling she really gets to the heart of the matter"

Truze M.Lodder


“Esther is a goal oriented coach who does not judge. She can be spicy with a sense of humor: You can't escape. left or right she goes to the core of your problem.”

Moni Kösters


"Esther creates a safe environment because she really sees and hears you.

In a loving and intuitive way she uses her knowledge and experience to let you take those steps that help you further at that moment. Special!"

Valerie Friesen


“Esther has a lot of feeling and understanding. I feel she really understands what I'm saying and feeling. That gives confidence.”

Semra Cifteci


It is very nice to talk to Esther. she is very available and accessible. Like she's known me for years. Her tips are very helpful. I like all those assignments. I have to sit. I have time for myself. I write what I already know, but now I have to explain. To describe. And when it is there on the page, it is confronting and real somehow."

Hagar Veerbeek

Orgíva, Spain

"There is openness from both sides and curiosity that helps me to develop personally and vocally. The combination of personal guidance and voice training is an incredibly beautiful one and it works!"

Auke Nammensma


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Jacob van der Doesstraat 54-A

2518XP Den haag

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